Selected works

À l'encre de mes pensées


The Exil of the Soul

Stories of Memory

Das Totschweigen in deinen Augen

Break out

My Red Thread (T)

Mein Roter Faden ( 2019- 

The project arose from an injustice I suffered at work, which I do alongside my artistic work. After a colleague made a derogatory remark because my trousers were stained with blood, I kept the pants in question and sewed the adjective "dirty" in Arabic on them. These pants, the word sewn on them and my menstrual cramps led me to question my identity. So I took menstrual pads and sewed all the adjectives that could degrade a woman onto the pads. It is first of all a questioning of myself as a woman with German and Tunisian roots and a questioning of women in general in the so-called developing countries. The expression of the task and the thread have led me to a deeper and more thorough reflection on the question of identity and my statue as a woman.

Menstruation is the transition from girl to woman. Menstruation not only questions our statue, but also all the injustices we have faced, for example in terms of wages, equal rights, the consideration of certain painful diseases such as endometriosis, the fact that we are forced to bear children, the criticism of our mood swings due to upheaval, etc. I recently showed this installation in my exhibition "Female in Focus". This took place in the rooms of the Park Kultur association (18.11-01.12.2022) in Düsseldorf in collaboration with the photographer Alina Dietrich. I presented two panels with 30 sewn pads and would like to make 448 more in the future. A woman has 450 menstrual cycles in her life. And there are as many derogatory adjectives as there are sexist or unequal laws that affect women. A woman's struggle with menstruation and at different levels never begins and never ends.