À l’encre ancrée de mes pensées –In the Anchored Ink of my Thought 

Serie 2018 -

“I write to you in the ink of my thoughts. I let my soul drift with the waves and let my ink flow to express to you my soul's wishes in the haste of art and Love, without Love we are nothing. Of creativity in soul , of inspirations and breaths.” Elle eRRe, L.R, Elle et l’Air


The Serie “ In the anchored ink of my thoughts” is born in 2018 from associations of real images or images seen in dreams. A waking dream, ink drawings sailing on the waves of the soul. 

Cartels : 

Cartel Tableau 1 

 À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts,2018

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Düsseldorf , Germany 

Cartel Tableau 2  

À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts,2019

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Düsseldorf , Germany 

Cartel Tableau 3 

À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts,2022

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Düsseldorf , Germany 

Cartel Tableau 4 

À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts,2022

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Private Collection Düsseldorf , Germany  

Cartel Tableau 5 à 9

À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts, 2022

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Düsseldorf , Germany 

Cartel Tableau 10

À l’encre ancrée de mes Pensées 

In the anchored Ink of my Thoughts, 2023

Ink, Print on transparent Paper 

29,5*40,3 cm 

Düsseldorf , Germany